Sunday, 27 September 2015

Chocolate, Earl Grey & Hazelnut Gateau

This was the chocolate & earl grey gateau I made for my sister's birthday back in August.
I know it’s end of September & I could have posted the recipe ages ago.
It seemed like I always have too many things to do like travelling, making hand creams, cross stitching e.g. & baking seems to be the last on my list.

It’s a rich chocolate mousse cake consists of 6 components:
1. Chocolate cotton cake
2. Hazelnut praline coated puffed rice
3. Hazelnut praline mousse
4. Chocolate mousse
5. Earl grey creme insert
6. Chocolate glaze
It took me 2 days to finish this & it was absolutely worth as the cake was delicious with wonderful combo of flavours.