Sunday, 9 November 2008


I can't remember how many times I've made this tiramisu
But it's the 1st time Christie, Elaine & Dorothy have tried it.
They all love it, so I think I should post the recipe here.

Mascarpone cheese 125g
Marshmallow (original flavour) 60g
Milk 60ml
Cocoa powder
Rum 1 tsp
Instant coffee 1 tsp

1. Mascarpone cheese softened & beaten.
2. Add rum in strong coffee (1 tsp of coffee in 30ml of hot water).
3. Lightly dip ladyfingers in the coffee & then put it in a container.
4. Add 2 tbsp of milk to the marshmallows & mix well. Cover with cling film & microwave about 20-30 sec, stir well.
5. Add milk into the marshmallow paste & mix well.
6. Add mascarpone to the paste & mix well.
7. Pour the mix on top of the ladyfingers.
8. Cover with film & cool in fridge for 3-4 hours.
9. Sieve cocoa powder on top before serving.

My mum has baked the cinnamon apple cake early this week.
She said it wasn't as good as the one I baked, too wet...
So, I amended the recipe.

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