Saturday, 14 November 2009

Desserts with Berry 2

Last week, I went back to Basildon & made a blackberry chessecake for my mother.
These raspberry mousse cakes were for myself, I used dark chocolate so she thought it's too bitter for her.
I love it, very rich in chocolate coupled with the refreshing raspberry flavour.
Here come the recipe.

Recipe for 4 ramekins:
70g digestive biscuit crumbs
30g butter (unsalted & melted)
1 tbsp cocoa powder

Mix the crust ingredients & press into a pan/ramekins, cool in a fridge.

Raspberry mousse:
170g fresh raspberry (blended into puree & strained)
10g sugar
2g/1 sheet gelatin
100g whipping cream

Soften gelatin in water.
Heat raspberry puree with sugar until slightly boil, then add the bloomed gelatin.
Let the puree cool down.
Whisk the whipping cream to soft peaks then fold in the puree.
Fill the prepared pan/ramekins until half way with the mousse then freeze to set.

Chocolate mousse:
50g cream cheese
35g whipping cream
15g sugar
2g/1 sheet gelatin
20ml water
30g dark chocolate (72%)

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.
Beat the cheese with sugar then blend in the molten chocolate.
Add the gelatin solution to the chocolate cheese.
Whisk the whipping cream to soft peaks then fold in the cheese mixture.
Fill the mousse on top of the frozen raspberry mousse then freeze to set.

Note: The cream cheese can be replaced by whipping cream. I used it because there's some leftover cream cheese from the blackberry cheesecake.

Ganache topping:
50g dark chocolate (72%)
60g whipping cream
10g sugar

Heat all ingredients on slow heat until chocolate is fully melted.
Spread over the top & freeze again to set.
Decorate with fruits or as you like & serve cold.