Saturday, 7 July 2012

Salted Caramel & Chocolate Cupcakes

Went food shopping & picked a few pots of double cream as they're on sale.
I decided to whisk up a quick & easy chocolate cake but soon changed my mind & baked them in small muffin tins.
Once I baked the chocolate cupcakes, I thought I should frost them.
I don't always frost cupcakes, in fact I avoid doing so.
I find frosting & icing are overly sweet for my personal taste.
So, the question was what flavour?
Dark chocolate?
Hmm, not very inspiring.
Sound great.
Salted caramel?

I brought the cupcakes to my college & I had one then.
It's amazing, not overly sweet for my taste.
The caramel is gorgeous with a hint of saltness, so irresistible with chocolate.

Salted Caramel & Chocolate Cupcakes (makes about 1 dozen):
Whipped Cream Chocolate Cupcakes
250 g double cream
2 eggs
100 g caster sugar
25 g cocoa powder
110 g plain flour
25 g corn flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder

In a large bowl, whisk double cream with sugar to soft peaks.
Add eggs, one at a time, beat until mix.
Mix & sift in all flours, fold until combine.
Bake in a preheated oven at 170C for 18-22 min.

Salted Caramel Sauce
100 g granulated sugar
40 g honey
150 ml double cream
2-3 pinches of sea salt

Caramelise sugar with honey over medium heat.
Turn off heating & carefully pour in the double cream, stir until smooth.
Sprinkles salt & stir until dissolve.

NB The frosting uses 100 g salted caramel, save the rest in a sterile jar, simply drizzle over your favourite ice cream or yogurt, sit back & enjoy!

Salted Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting
100 g salted caramel sauce
200 g cream cheese, at room temperature
100 g unsalted butter, at room temperature

Whisk all ingredients until combine.
Refrigerate the frosting to slightly firm for piping or use straight away for spreading.


  1. These sound fantastic! I can't wait try them.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. pazzeschi,fanno venire l'acquolina,hai un blog bellissimo,se vuoi fare un salto da me ne sarei felice:)

  3. Nice post with yummy presentation. I like this

  4. A failure for me personally. I'm used to measuring everything by cups and tablespoons, so I converted everything using a Google website into cups. The results were a bit disasterous - the cupcake ended up spilling over the tops of the cupcake liner and collapsed in the middle. While, the cake portion was ok tasting I did appreciate the fact of using some different ingredients for the cake base (i.e. whipping cream and corn flour), I've never seen that before.

    I'm sure my failure was just due to converting it into cups. Anyways your pictures look great!

    1. Sorry to hear you have problems with the recipe... Unlike you, I always use a balance for baking... You can use any chocolate cupcake recipe if you like. I only chose this one because it's the easiest, it's a whipped cream cake which I've baked before.

  5. I've just finish baking the cupcakes. They are pretty ^^ Never baked so good looking cupcakes before. Now I'm gonna make the sauce and frosting :)
