Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Galette Bretonne au Caramel

Happy New Year!

A long overdue post!
I should have updated 2 weeks ago but I thought I couldn't write any more as I have a few reports to write.
Alongside with that, I started this year resolution with a photography project 'A Photo A Day' in January.
If that's going well, I'll extend it to '365 photos'.

Furthering my obsession with caramel & galette bretonne, I've baked a batch with salted caramel sauce.
I can't be bothered to rewrite the recipe of the caramel sauce but you can find it here.
The texture & flavour of these cookies have never failed me.
Rich & crispy, simply delicious :)

Galette Bretonne au Caramel (makes ~30 x 4 cm)
150 g unsalted butter, softened
70 g icing sugar
45 g salted caramel sauce

1 egg yolk (m)
1 tsp rum
180 g plain flour
75 g ground almond
2 g baking powder

1 egg yolk + 1/4 tsp instant coffee for glazing

Using a hand whisk, whisk together butter & sugar.
Add caramel sauce, whisk until combined.
Add egg, whisk until combined.
Add the rum & whisk until combined.
Mix together ground almond, flour & baking powder, fold with the batter.
Wrap with cling film & refrigerate for 1-2 h.
Gently flour the surface, roll into a 1 cm thick & cut into 4 cm discs.
Brush the top with lightly beaten whole egg & use a toothpick to draw out the pattern.
Grease the sides of the cooking rings, carefully transfer the batter inside.
Refrigerate for 15 min before baking in a preheated oven at 160C for 25-30 min.Remove from the oven & let it stand for 10 min before removing the biscuits out of the rings.

NB. These can also be baked inside a muffin tray, just cut the batter into the size according to your muffin tray.


  1. Those are beautiful and cute! I would love one right now with all that caramel!

    1. Hi Laura, thanks stopping by. Caramel tastes great with everything.

  2. I looove your galette bretonne. They're so perfect! Will try this recipe. Thanks!

    1. Hi Zenchef,
      thanks for liking! these galette bretonne are yummy :)
